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JJ Vege - Value Pack

RM 120.00


We deliver chemical free organic vegetables and fruits fresh directly from farm to your home at a reasonable price. With the resources generated we provide sustainable support for poor and needy.

我们以合理的价格,将新鲜无农药的有机蔬菜和水果,直接从农场递送到您家。 所赚取的盈利将用于帮助贫困及有需要的群体。

Value Box

One box(每箱)

Delivery Fee (运送费)
RM10 per trip (每趟)

Estimated Weight(估计重量)
2.7kg – 3.0kg

Variety mix with Flower & Leaf , Gourds, Root, Fruits

Order Process

Last order by Tuesday 12PM and delivery on every Friday.

每个星期二中午 12 点前下单,每个星期五送到您的家。

List of Vegetable & Fruits

(Subject to seasonality

  1. Hong Kong Choy Sum 香港莱心
  2. Xiu Zen Chai Xin 秀珍菜心香
  3. Kai Lan 芥蘭
  4. Seposai / Yin Yong 芊葆菜
  5. Sweet Potato Leaf - Green 番薯菜 - 青
  6. Sweet Potato Leaf - Red 蕃薯莱 - 红
  7. N/Zealand Spinach - Green 皇帝苗 - 青
  8. N/Zealand Spinach - Red 皇帝苗 - 红
  9. Amaranth (Bayam) - Green 苋菜 - 青
  10. Amaranth (Bayam) - Red 苋菜 - 红
  11. Kangkong 雍莱
  12. Indian Lettuce 香麥
  13. Lettuce - Local 苦麥
  14. Lettuce 生菜
  15. Naipak 奶白
  16. Ong King Pak Choy 皇京白菜
  17. Xiao Pak Choy 小白菜
  18. Tomato 番茄
  19. Cherry Tomato 樱桃番茄
  20. Cauliflower 花椰菜
  21. Broccoli 西兰花
  22. Carrot 胡萝葡
  23. Cabbage 包莱
  24. Chinese Cabbage 白菜
  1. Water Cress 西洋菜
  2. Spinach 菠菜
  3. Cabbage Shoot 包菜旦
  4. Mini Cos Lettuce 油麦旦
  5. Sweet Corn 玉米
  6. Bittergourd 苦瓜
  7. Luffa 勝瓜
  8. Long Bean 长豆
  9. French Bean 四季豆
  10. Cucumber - Local 黄瓜.本地
  11. Cucumber - Japanese 黄瓜.日本
  12. Angled Bean - Green 四薕豆 - 青
  13. Angled Bean - Red 四薕豆 - 红
  14. Egg Plant 茄子
  15. Raddish 白萝卜
  16. Snake Bean 蛇豆
  17. Ladies finger / Okra 羊角豆
  18. Asparagus 芦笋豆
  19. Jack Fruit 菠萝蜜
  20. Papaya 木瓜
  21. Dragon Fruit 火龙果
  22. Passion FruitPassion Fruit 百香果
  23. Banana 香蕉
  24. Pumpkin 南瓜

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